noisy penguin 150 filter

Hi everyone! I just bought a Penguin BioWheel 150 filter for my 29 gal tank. It's rather noisy and I was wondering if that's normal or if there's something wrong. When I say noisy, I am not referring to the splash, but to the mechanical sounds. I can hear it from the next room, even with the door closed. I have previously used Whisper and AquaClear filters, and neither has made as much noise as this, except for when they were getting clogged. I was very happy with my Whisper filter (it was very quiet), but I thought the biowheel might work better. If it continues to be this noisy, I think I'll just go back to the Whisper. I don't mind the splash sound much, but the sound of the motor drives me crazy when I'm trying to sleep.

I was just fiddling with the darn thing and I seem to have quieted it somewhat (still not as quiet as my Whisper, but definately reasonable). However, that's with the covers off. When I put the covers back on (especially the biowheel cover), the nosie is as loud as ever. I thought perhaps the wheel was rubbing, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Perhaps the intake tube is vibrating the plastic? Any solutions to quiet the vibrations? I could leave the cover off, but then the top of the light will get wet.

May 9, 2005
You have an identical situation as me. You should be able to find my post about it here too, exact same model. After many calls the marineland (they are very helpful) I tried a few things. First, took the fitler off and pulled out the impeller. Is it damaged or misplaced in any way? Then clean it and the chamber it goes into. Then fill the tank water up to 1/2 inch away from rim, try again. If the noise is like that then im guessing thats the way it is. Mine runs smoothly at times, then rattles at other times. I fiddle a little with it and thats that. The covers rattling maybe that its not fully pushed in or its touching something else-say the hood. Also, try pushing the purple biowheel bearings down furthur, apply some pressure. Basically, it was louder than i expected but thast cause my room was silent.