noob 45G stocking

Jan 14, 2009

I was originally going to stock with a peaceful tank with tetras, cories, etc. But while waiting for the tank to cycle, I've become drawn to all the visually stunning cichlids.

Even though I am a noob, I've decided to go for a cichlid. The goal is to have a visually stunning and challenging tank to manage. Tank size 36x12x24, gravel, coliseum, artificial plants... and probably a few more greek ruins.

Since im going for cichlids, Im going to take my time to let it cycle fully before I stock. Plenty of time to consider stocking options,

Now for the stocking options.
After many trips to the LFS and research, I think Im going to go with african cichlids.

I def plan to have a yellow lab first. Other than that, I would like fish that is visually stunning

So how many should I stock and of what? Recommendations? Curious of my options and limitations.


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Well unfortunately, a 3ft. tank is going to be very, very limiting if you're doing Malawis. Definitely with mbuna. The labs are a good start, I'd go with a group of three...personally, I feel they get too large as adults to stay in a 3ft. tank for life, but they're more peaceful than other mbuna so that helps. I would pick only ONE other species, and it would have to be a dwarf mbuna species that gets about 3" at max. Something like the Cynotilapia afra species for example. A really, really good choice for you would be to skip the labs entirely and do a colony of Pseudotropheus saulosi. These are an awesome fish especially for a cichlid of the most peaceful and easy to care for mbuna species, and absolutely stunning to top it off. Males are a beautiful blue while the females are a golden yellow/orange colour, so you get lots of colour and movement without the aggression as much. I would do a group of two males, and six females in the tank and leave it at that :)

Jan 14, 2009
Thanks for the info.
The 8 pseudotropheus saulosi looks like a possible plan. Too bad they're not on
After these 8, I wouldnt be able to stock with other species.. correct? Cories, Gouramis, etc.

If I choose other locations, what could be my options?
Im open to all suggestions...