Noob 46 Gal. Stocking Question

I started my 46 Gallon tank a month and a half ago.. I have been progressively adding more and more fish and they seem to be doing very well. All of my fish are pretty small, less than 2 inches so I guess that is why I kept adding more. I have been reading through these forums a lot recently to try and gauge whether or not my tank is overstocked and I figured I would just ask. If it is, I have another 30 gallon outside that is mostly snails that I can toss a few fish in..

I was thinking that I needed to get a couple more Tiger Barb's since I read on here that you should have at least 3, although my Tiger Barb has not been aggressive at all.. I would really of liked to of added a Clown Loach, but the lady at the pet store insisted that it would eat all my fish.. Ugh..

So I guess these are the questions:

1. Is my Tank overstocked?

2. Any suggestions what I should move over to the other tank ? (I would like to move over to a semi-agressive tank so I can have a clown loach?)

1 X Tiger Barb
3 X Zebra Danios
2 X Dalmatian Molly
5 X Neon Tetras
3 X Red Wag Sword
1 X Pleco
2 X Golden Snail

Thanks for your help :D This Hobbie is soo fun!!

Jun 2, 2005
Luton, England
Hi Ebarth and welcome to the tank!

Your tank is in no way overstocked!

the first thing I would do is buy at least 2 more Tiger barbs although I would opt for another 4 and then you will have a nice shoal, believe me adding these extra barbs you will enjoy these fish so much more!

The lady at the LFS was telling you porkies about the clown loach eating all your fish, however they get big over time 12" and they aren't the easiest fish to keep prone to diseases etc so probs best to try and steer clear until you have kept fish for a while.

There are plenty of other smaller loaches available that look and behave the same as clowns so its worth doing some research on them.

I'm not sure what else to suggest stocking so I'll let others chip in, but definitely increase that Tiger school they are fantastic fish to keep

Thanks for your input. I definetly want to increase my Tiger Barb School. You think 4 huh? So a total of 5?

You said my Tank ISN'T overstocked, that i a relief. If I add 3-4 more Tiger Barb, how many more fish can I add in the future? Or is that it?

I guess I am asking, any idea what the small fish limit is in a 46 Gallon?


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
it depends mainly on what you end up getting.
some bottom feeders, like cories, or a some smaller loaches would work out nicely.
or a centerpiece fish like a gourami, blue or opaline would be a nice addition.

but keep in mind your livebearers will be having fry non-stop and even though most will get eaten in the main tank, you will still have some babies survive :)

and you could always add a dwarf cichlid. their colorful and full of personality compared to what you have in there.
german blue rams, kribs, apistos, keyholes...there are lots of nice ones out there that would get along with other fish in your tank. :)


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I think you are getting a bit heavy on the schooling fish. You should definitely finish out your tiger school or take him back to the fish store, they can be very nippy. The only thing Iwould think about adding is a centerpiece fish. Look at dwarf gouramis(lots of colors to choose from), paradise fish, or others. You will be having lots of fry very soon though, so make sure you are prepared to handle that! Either way, if you see something you like and aren't sure about, feel free to post on here, someone will always give their opinion. :)


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Also keep in mind that most loaches will eat snails...

Tiger barbs should take care of any babies you get, so that shouldn't be a problem with the stocking.