Noob: Pics of tank, thinking of adding another Betta (pics)


Small Fish
Jan 5, 2006
Markham, Ontario Canada

Here's my 20G tank with assortment of plants and drift wood, I upgraded from a 2.5G recently and would like to add another male. I've been placing a mirror next to the tank to see how "Carlito" would react. He becomes very aggressive and keeps circling back and forth...eventually he just hovers next to the mirror still flaring his gills. From what I've read it's generally not a good idea to put 2 males together, even females aren't safe without proper hiding spots. I've photo graphed them for you guys to see;

right side of tank, small hole through drift wood allows entry into this small cavern I've created.

the left has a larger piece of drift wood which covers the underground filter

Will the Bettas continuously attach each other or will it be likely that they'll go to their seperate corners? I thought about buying 3 females but they're just not as nice as the males. Do you think my tank would work?


Jun 15, 2005
Mesa, AZ
Looks pretty good, but I'd suggest just a few things;

I wouldn't add another male to the tank, 'cause they'll fight to the death, hence their colloquial names, "Siamese Fighting Fish". You should also try and keep the tank topped off. I think it looks better but that way, but hey, that's just me. Other than that, good work!


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
The tank looks great! Unfortunately, the plant in the front at the center witht the white spots is a nonaquatic plant called aluminum plant. You should remove it before it dies.

Definitely don't put another male betta in the tank, they will fight to the death. :(

Agreed 8D Cudose on that Mastered Tankie! My betta would love such a tank but being a non-breedable male X_X it would be empty space in a room that cant fit a HUGE tank.

I would suggest finding a divider screen, that way you could have more then three males if you seperate the tank in three+ quarters =3. It's amazing when they flare but after awhile they will calm down knowing there space and do nothing but protect it, a little stress though if you get three males and their of different sizes X_X.... But do NOT alow the males to touch, they will kill no matter what you do.
hehehehe" and getting a female would end up in a super overcrouded fry tank in no time XD Wee those guys have 500 babies and month! in about... a year you would have over a million baby and adult bettas from the two you originaly had =3... But using a davider and keeping him in his own area, then leave the rest or apox "13 gals" the a batch of three or four Blood Betta females is good. They have beatiful colors and are like males, but their fins arnt large, less chance for the male to get huffy with stress and more relaxed bettas all round with a future possability for babies =D!. You could also have no davider to keep that tank the way it is, and get him a school of fishies, maybe 10 Tetras, and a few cerios Plecos to test his friendlyness and if it holds out well, I would go ahead and get two verieties of Tetras with colors =3 Neons seem to be a bettas best friend for cover from the cleaners "us" lolXD. good luck with your betta! he's a beautiful boy =3!