

Large Fish
Feb 16, 2008
Oceanside, CA
Hey all, just joined the site. I have been into aquariums for basically my whlole life. I moved to Chicago 2 years ago, and was forced to get rid of my 125 gallon freshwater tank with a Jaguar, Dovii, and Red Devil. I now am heavily into saltwater. I have a small 12 gallon Nano tank with some corals and a Maroon Clown. Feel free to view my pictures that i will randomly post to the site. Thanks for stopping...........*celebrate

Hi! Welcome! This is a great place for information and "question answering." Don't forget to use the search up top to do some research of your own. If you have any problems or questions thereafter, just post them and someone will come check it out. I am the freshwater type so I won't be posting much there. Anyway, welcome and have fun!!!! :D