Normal Behavior?


New Fish
Jan 2, 2010

I completely finished cycling my 15 gallon tank, and the other day bought 3 tiger barbs. Next weekend i will be going out to get another 2. I properly acclimated them and all water parameters are perfect.

I have been watching them a lot and I've noticed some things. First of all there seem to be 2 females and 1 male, but could be the other way. The male seems to be the most dominate and outgoing as he swims around in the open, and loves to chase the other two around. One of the females, seems to like 1 part of the tank, and is fairly active. The last Female is much less active (except when being chased). The hole things seems to be getting better (slowly) as the get adjusted i think but i have a couple questions.

1. Is this normal.
2. I am thinking that when i add another 2 of them it will help a lot, i am right.
3. Would i be better to stick at 5 tiger barbs or go to 7 (i heard the do better in odd), but i would still like to add maybe some livebearers latter on.



Medium Fish
Jul 28, 2009
yeah the more the better with tiger barbs they tend to be a lot more content in bigger groups. Also watch them when you get the livebearers because they are fast and nippy which livebearers are not!