So I guess I should just start off with saying that a couple weeks ago I moved my 26 gallon tank about ten minutes down the road. Of four fish I had one survivor. They were all platy and i assume they died from either stress or shock although the latter I find less likely because the water parameters tested the same from beginning to end. Anyways, I went to the store to replace the lost platys today and came home with four new ones. I acclimated them and released them, and they all seemed fine and happy swimming around and all looked very healthy. I added some melafix to the water and will continue to do so for a few day as I notice a small tear in one fish's tail. It does not look like fin rot. But anyways, to the actual question part. After they all explored for about half an hour a couple of the platy started nipping at each other. Then they all kinda went at it with each other now and then and are continuing to do so. I would think they are just establishing territory and hierarchy, correct? Or should I be worried about aggression? So basically, would this behaviour be considered normal for new fish? Thanks in advance for any replies!
And just so you know, I had one male platy that was red and while with black finnage and just added two female blue coloured platy and a female white platy with black spots, and. Female orange platy with black spots. There is not one being more extremely aggressive. The two blue ones are largest, then the new spotted ones leaving the male as the smallest. One of the blue platy is being more of the pick-ee then the pick-er compared to the rest. I just don't want anybody to get too stressed out and cause ich or other disease outbreak.
And just so you know, I had one male platy that was red and while with black finnage and just added two female blue coloured platy and a female white platy with black spots, and. Female orange platy with black spots. There is not one being more extremely aggressive. The two blue ones are largest, then the new spotted ones leaving the male as the smallest. One of the blue platy is being more of the pick-ee then the pick-er compared to the rest. I just don't want anybody to get too stressed out and cause ich or other disease outbreak.