normal or dropsy ?

Dec 14, 2009
hello all,,

just a random question about my mums albino ancistrus. firstly is it usual for pleco to just lay in the aquarium not attached to anything just lay there motionless,, he seems to do this alot. anyway on to the title, this fish has a smooth body but a bumpy textured tale, almost ''dropsy looking'' are all albino ancistrus like this ??

answers needed please :)


Medium Fish
Jun 11, 2010
I don't know much about this behavior...meaning the first part of your question, sorry :( I have no experience with that fish, however I have encountered dropsy and do know that just a spikey looking tail is not the disease. The fish's whole body puffs out like a pinecone and the fish tries to eat but can't keep food down. It's an awful condition...I tried everything to save mine, but she passed away. However, it sounds like yours is not effected so no worries about dropsy for you.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I agree, this doesn't sound like dropsy. Your whole fish would be bloated if this were the case (and be glad it isn't, as Goldiegupp said dropsy is almost always fatal, I have had some luck treating it however).

As for the behaviour, your plec is simply resting. They latch on to eat and so while they're not eating, they don't need to latch onto anything.

Any pics? Might help to determine if the bumpy tail is in fact normal or not.