Not a question...just thanks

Dec 19, 2009
NW London
After all the normal problems with setting up, everything is doing just great in my tank. I have now 4 x platies (one about to give birth), 3 x peppered cory's and 5 x haliquin rasboras (newly added). I would like to thank everybody for their input to helping and advising me as all was great to hear...even the conflicting advice! Great support and very much appreciated. May you all be Ammonia free! xx Much thanks *SUNSMILE*...and I will one day get REAL plants to please the purists instead of plastic....ha ha ha *thumbsups


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2010
plants are fun just don't ged moneyworts and cabombas. lol I'm just bitter cuz those were a total failure for me hahaha. goodluck! Just remember CO2, lighting and ferts.