Crap...I just got home from my 7 day cruise, and I found many fish dead in my 20G, my neon tetras with a bad case of ick in the 10G, and in the 5.5G, well at least my endlers survived, but I can only find one oto.
So, I moved the survivors from the 20G to the 10G; so now, hold on to your seat, 'cause this isn't pretty:
4 sick neons
2 dwarf gouramis
1 ram cichlid (thank goodness she survived!)
2 sick flame tetras
4 cory catfish (3 Emerald Green & 1 Julii)
and finally,
2 Sick Cherry Barbs
Crap, crap, crap, crap. No matter what I do to the 20G, it always turns out to be a disaster.
I'm going to get a 10G tomorrow, and completely tear down my 20G and get another hood for it...
Luckily, I have MONSTER filtration on my 10G (live plants + an AC20 + A tetra whisper power filter 10).
So, any advice on what I should do?
So, I moved the survivors from the 20G to the 10G; so now, hold on to your seat, 'cause this isn't pretty:
4 sick neons
2 dwarf gouramis
1 ram cichlid (thank goodness she survived!)
2 sick flame tetras
4 cory catfish (3 Emerald Green & 1 Julii)
and finally,
2 Sick Cherry Barbs
Crap, crap, crap, crap. No matter what I do to the 20G, it always turns out to be a disaster.
I'm going to get a 10G tomorrow, and completely tear down my 20G and get another hood for it...
Luckily, I have MONSTER filtration on my 10G (live plants + an AC20 + A tetra whisper power filter 10).
So, any advice on what I should do?