not eating


Large Fish
Sep 18, 2006
rolla, missouri
my large gourami isn't eating. the younger one is eating, but seems to be watching the other and spits everything back out. they are on tetramin tropical flakes and tetracolor tropical flakes. they have been fed twice daily- morning and night- and they have always ate. but now they've stopped. it's gone on now for 12 hours. i can't give water perimiters- no kit (i'll get one this weekend, promise!!) the tank got redecorated on friday, but the pleco isnt' botherd (he's hanging out in the cave) and is eating fine. anyone know what's going on here?


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2006
well I don't know why they aren't eating, but I wanted to say that my gourami really enjoys bloodworms along with his flake foods. Maybe you could try giving them some variety. I hope they gain their appetite back and hope they are not getting sick, good luck.

Yes, all my fish love frozen bloodworms, but be careful it doesn't spoil them! I found it really hard to get my bettas to eat flake after feeding bloodworms and if your gouramis are having a problem with eating, make sure you only give bloodworms every now & then. Keep trying the flake... unless there is something wrong with them then they won't starve themselves. Another good food to alternate with is frozen brineshrimp. Maybe even try some live foods like whiteworms. Good luck!