not getting along


Large Fish
Oct 31, 2002
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i recently bought two angels about the size of a quarter.
i put them in the tank(50gal) with a bigger angel about 2.5-3inches.
i moved all of the plants and stuff and the bigger one still goes after the smaller ones. i was wondering if i can move the bigger angel to a 10 gallon by itself with water from the tank for a week or so then put in back in the main tank(and move a few stuff around, maybe add a couple larger plants). will it still chase them?
the tank also has 4 corys but the angel never bothers them...


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Don't move the small ones out, else they will never get established in the tank. Either take out the larger one for a week pr just grit it out. This happened to me when I reintroduced some grown out fry back into their parents tank - it took abot a week to settle down.
Are the fins getting shredded - keep an eye out for that. Definitely move if there some bodily damage.
This is all normal stuff. You could always get 2 more - like discus , angels only work as singles, pairs or shoals of 5+


Large Fish
Oct 31, 2002
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yea i'm about to get 2-3 more about the smae size.
there was a lil fin damage but it healed in a day and never happened again...
how do shop get their larger angels to get along with their smaller ones?


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
They keep big groups together. Angels have social dynamics that control their behaviour in groups of say 10 or 20 that don't work with 2 or 3. Also mostangels are pretty steady till they pair off, and most shop fish are to small to pair off. As with discus you get the odd psychotic that kills everything else


Large Fish
Oct 31, 2002
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i'm getting 2-3 more...
that'll be a total of 6
10-20? i've never heard that before, what do i do with the angels once they get big? cuz i don't have that much room.
i don't really understand what your trying to say wayne(not saying your wrong) so what do you suggest i do with my larger angel(or smaller angels)?


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I'm saying put in a couple more and you'll likely be ok - group dynamics will strt to work, and the largest fish will be head of the shoal, unless one of the smaller grows to be a dominant male.
When they get bigger you will likely get problems when a pair forms, as unless you have a pretty large tank, they will kick the other angels asses - they likely won't kill them, but they'll look pretty shredded. In a 50 you'll probably be ok, but it might be a problem - you won't know till you're there. They will want a territory, aquascaping may be one way to limit the size of this to less than the whole tank. Use lots of vertical wood to split up the tank. Been there, done this.


Large Fish
Oct 31, 2002
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yea i just gots two more angels...everything seems to be find now. the larger one doesn't seem to pick on them much anymore, is it because the smaller ones out number it?
if i get a breeding pair i'm prolly put em into their own tank. 20gal+ from what i've read
thanks for all of your help.:D