Petland's been running some decent sales on both fish and tanks, underselling Petco (not really that hard, actually) as well as Petsmart (from whom I will never buy fish ... I counted 17 dead across eight different tanks in their Trop and Eastern store). FISH Tropical seems to give no B-S advice w/o trying to sell me, and their price on Bio-Spira is great (prices on most everything else, other than fish, are astronomically high). I just finished a 20 gal long tank (transferred the contents of a ten into it), and added 3 YoYo loaches and 3 Juli cories to the already existing stock of 3 albino cories, 3 green cories (from my once over-stocked 30), 3 dwarf frogs and five, very tiny serpae tetras. It looks fantastic, and the water is in great condition (I'm using a Penguin 170 w/ a bubble wall). Admitedly, I've become a major fan of Big Al's Online. Although I bought the tank at Petsmart (couldn't find a 20 long anywhere else), I purchased the substrate from FISH Tropical and all the other stuff, inluding the filter, air pump, tubing, light, hood and silk plants from Big Al's.