Now i know how.

Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
i have recently tried to set up my tank to be perfect for my beautifull red male fighter.and his female, she's purple with blue and red iridecence in the fins.

i have not lowered the water level because it will give the fighter more time to catch eggs(because my substrate is sand). i have stopped ALL air and filters. there is no water movement. the female is in the bottom of a cut open 2l coke bottle. it has been cleaned and has tank water in it.

it is important that you dont change the setup. the male will get annoyed and will take a while to make the nest. there is an upside-down polystyrene pot. (i got it from my local chinese takeaway shop)(they store sweet and sour sauce in them). they are relatively big and will fit a bubble nest.

the male constantly swims back and forth from female to nest area and he flares at her but cant touch her. he then goes to nest and blows a lot of bubbles and goes back to female again.

the lights do have to be on or he will stop what hes doing as he can see little. i found that even leaving the room light on and the tank light off allows him to build a nest.

i have not put the female floating in a corner because if the male goes near glass he sees his reflection and spends a large amount of time flaring at it. this wastes time so i put the female in the middle at the front panel of glass. the pot is opposite at the back middle. this means he does not go near glass except when he is flaring at her.

i tried moonlights but it created a reflection so he wasted time. so i just leave the tank lights on now. there is a little java moss in with the female now to reduce her stress. she has verticle lines appear every now and then when he flares at her. the male is busy right now building his third nest.(i had to keep changing setup so it got destroyed twice =[:eek: ).

im feeding them a few bloodworms twice a day. i literally pick four out and give 2 each every now and then.

so far all is well and they are doing well. i just try to make sure hes always making a nest.

Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
thanks. im glad to know that someone likes the info. ill post more as he does it.

at the moment he has built a half done nest and started a new one at the back. this thread will continue in my other thread:WOW WOW WOW WOW.

see there for other info.