Now one of my tanks is cloudy!

Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
So in my 55 gallon tank I lost a Discus last night. The water was a little cloudy and I thought it was from the corpse. I removed it, did a 75% water change checked my parameters and watched the fish. They all seemed fine. This morning the water was cloudy again, so I check for all inhabitants and everyone is alive.

Any ideas-

0 Ammonia
0 Nitrites
10 Nitrates
7.0 PH
(checked last night and again this morning, same readings)

Current filters-Marineland 350, AC 30 and AC 50 (the AC 30 will be moved to another tank soon)

Current Stock-1 Pigeon blood
2 Juvie Koi Angels
3 Punctatus Cory Cat

The tank has a sand substrate that is planted with Cabomba, Swords and Water Wisteria. It has been established for about 6 months.

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Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
This tank is planted, what type of substrate are you using?

Also is it possible the cloudiness is from a clogged filter bypassing?

I dont know anything about discuss but could aggression from others been the cause and the cloudiness be caused from some one digging in the substrate?

Sorry just throwing some ideas out there, I know how frustrating it is losing a fish for no known reason, this happened to me about a year and a half ago, I did a water change on sunday and came home monday from work to find my favorite green sunfish dead, no explanation that I could ever find.

Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
The tank has a sand substrate that is planted with Cabomba, Swords and Water Wisteria. It has been established for about 6 months.

It was the smaller of the two discus and the Angels are quite aggressive. I was thinking that may be the cause, but why cloudy water?



Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
the cloudiness does kinda boggle the mind, I was thinking it was from the substrate getting kicked up with fighting but with sand it usually settles rather quickly but it does still leave the possibility of a clogged and bypassing filter, when was the last time you changed/cleaned the media?

Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
Well I am very diligent with cleaning and maintenance.

I put the Cory's in with the platys and set up a hospital tank (no meds, just clean water!) a 37 gallon I had in the garage. I removed all the plants and driftwood, stirred the hell out of the sand and found a rotting rhizome from a crypt I think! I am letting things settle, then I will fill and scape again. I will not put the driftwood in as it stinks and has started to get soft. If it stays clear until Saturday, I will put the inhabitants back in. If everything goes well for a week, my LFS has oto's for me and then I will get some more Discus in a month or so! Wish me luck....fingers crossed!!!

Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
I finished cleaning the tank last night at about 11 PM, I could not sleep so around 4ish I woke up and came downstairs. I turned on the tank light and it is even more cloudy then it was! :( There is also some residue on the glass. I think this week end I will tear it all down, get rid of the sand and start fresh........


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Did you drain every bit of the water after you removed the driftwood? You said it smelled bad and was soft - is it possible that contaminated the tank? I have noticed a lot of people posting about "driftwood" but how do you know what kind of wood it actually is and if there is any pitch left deep down in. I lived on the ocean for years with lots of drift wood of all kinds and all ages, but once its weathered on the outside it is pretty hard to tell what kind of wood it is. Its not just the tannins either, it could be anything else it absorbed before it weathered.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Okay - the driftwood again - you said soft. Any chance any little pieces of it got into the water/substrate while moving or handling and are now disintegrating further?

Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
So.......Tank is now clear! Water tested 0-0-0 :( I added an ammonia source, and checked a few hours later.....5-0-0 ??? I did a 25% water change and checked again right now....0-0-5. I also added some air stones to help aerate the water (thank you Mr. Redundant) If the ater checks OK in the AM, I will add some fish back! :)


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
I am glad it seems to be over and you can get your tank back on track, do you still have discuss in the tank (or an emergency tank). I have never kept discuss but I have heard they are very delicate and sensitive to changes in water chemistry.

I gave you my theory but I found a link that describes what I think happened alot better than I can so heres the link.

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