Now Part Of the Betta world =)


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Thats right I got a new Betta :) His name is Pellinor and lives in my 2 gal. hex. He is bright red and has the most beautiful pectoral fins, they are clear with red stripes (I dont know if all betta fins are like that, but I noticed his and thought they looked beautiful). I went to the store to choose a betta and saw all these beautiful ones, pellinor was all the way in the back in a dirty cup and I felt sorry for him, he also seemed very friendly so I selected him and have no regrets! His tail seemed a little messed up, not fin rot so much, the ends had gone a little clear and curled up (Im pritty sure not a CT) but Im giving him treatment so Im sure he will get better. Oh last night he also built his first bubble nest :)
I just had to share him all with you =)


Large Fish
Jul 12, 2003
Evansville, Indiana
Well, congrats! lol I love my betta. That is until he started picking on my gourami. Now Jerry, the betta, has his own bowl, soon to be his very own planted 5 gallon. Betta's don't really seem like a normal fish to me. Every time I walk into the room, he comes up to the top of his bowl and greets me. He loves blood worms!! lol Anyway, another fun thing to do is to hold a mirror up to the tank so they see their reflection. lol Try it, you'll see what happens. Okay, well, I hope to see some pics soon of Pellinor! :)


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
Visit site
T/A, yes a 2gal hex tank (I have one) is perfect for a single betta. (better than neon tetras from your other post).

Keep the tank in a warm room (tank temp s/b 76 to 78F), do 1/2 gal water changes once a week. Feed the betta a floating pellet style food (hakari bio-gold/betta bites) and every now and then some Freezedried Bloodworms is a nice treat. Around 6-8 pellets a day is good. Don't overfeed them, it will just make the water putrid and their stomacs will bloat!

Yes, you can put 2 African dwarf frog, just make sure the frogs are NOT African Clawed Frogs or Albino Clawed Frogs (with kind-of claw-like front "hands")

Welcome to the tank T/A!

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Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
The mirror - Well I have the betta placed infront of a mirror, I always have a peice of paper infront of the mirror so Pellinor doesnt see himself. One day I thought it was time for a little flare so I removed the paper, Pellinor just looks at himself and has NEVER flared! I know this isnt normal, but does anyone think it is a problem?

Mar 11, 2003
Hey Angel, congrats on your betta. Sorry it took me so long to respond. Pellinor sounds gorgeous. Do you think he might not be able to view the mirror clearly? Otherwise, he just might be a nice little guy. Good luck with him. Last time I got "just one" betta I ended up with 50 more, lol.



Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Im going to get another betta to keep at my BF's house tomorrow. I feel really bad for this one because it has majorly messed up fins to the extent it looks like it has been through the angelfish tank a couple of times, so I plan on rescuing it and then restoring him back to health =)