nube with paradise gourami needs help

Mar 6, 2006
i just got a paradise gourami at the local petsmart. I have a 2 gallon tank and did not cycle it before introducing him. Up until recently i was very uninformed about keeping fish, thus my poor planning/no planning. Despite this i am now vrey interested in keeping an aquarium and setting up the best environment for my gourami. I plan to set up a 20-30l tank upon my return from college this summer. I guess i have a few questions. 1) how can i help him survive the nitrogen cycle 2) are tons of bubbles covering the surface a problem 3) can i successfully take him 7 hrs home 4) what tankmates can he have in the 20-30l 5) general tips *GOLDFISH*

Mar 6, 2006
wow, excelent articles, thanks, im still getting a feel for this site. Im still wondering about the 7 hr drive and though. And the bubbles? Are small daily changes a good idea until cycle is done? Is a little droopiness at the tips of long fins normal?

Mar 3, 2006
columbus, Tx
I wouldnt think the bubbles would hurt, but I have a 1 gal betta tank that had the same problem (allot of bubbles!!!) I changed the water the other day and rinsed the gravel ( i didnt do that when i set it up ) and all the bubbles are gone now (before, if i'd get them out they'd keep coming back)


Large Fish
Jul 6, 2005
DePere, WI
The bubbles are just oxygenation(SP?) from your tap water. Usually harmless. However, the seven hour drive should be okay. As long as you keep plenty of water in the bag you put him in. The good thing is that they can breath oxygen like you or I. All you got to make sure is that the water dont get to hot or cool. Just dont feed him 24 hours before the move so there is less poo in the water in the bag. Good luck. One more thing, you might want to upgrade faster than that. 2 Gal. isnot enough space for a paradise gourami.


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
As far as moving... gourami are like bettas in that they come up for air... so when you bag him to move, be sure to have a lot of air space in the top of the bag... like half water, half air. Or use a container with an air hole in the top.


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
afromage5000 said:
1) how can i help him survive the nitrogen cycle 2) are tons of bubbles covering the surface a problem 3) can i successfully take him 7 hrs home 4) what tankmates can he have in the 20-30l 5) general tips *GOLDFISH*
I don't know the answers to questions 1 and 3, but I'll answer what I can. For question 2, paradise fish are similair to bettas. They can have an air pump in their tank, but the less the better. You don't want to over stress their labryinth (how ever you spell that word). I have a paradise in my 40 (as you can see in my sig) and there isn't a ton of air circulation, but there is enough to keep the tank healthy.

For question 4, it depends a lot on the fish you have. No paradise fish has the same personality. All three that I've had have had different things to their personality, but they've done well with the fish you see in my sig. Just don't put it with a betta. I had my female betta in my tank with my last paradise fish and I think she attacked him.

Question 5, gerneral tips, have places for your fish to hide. They like caves and tall plants. Paradise fish will eat flakes and brine shrimp. So no need to worry about what to feed them.

Well, that's all I know, I hope that helps. Good luck.


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
afromage5000 said:
Is a little droopiness at the tips of long fins normal?
Mine's fins droop a little lot. It's what I call his "relaxed" state. The flare their fins when they're trying to act tough. So, don't worry, it's ok.


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
afromage5000 said:
Is a little droopiness at the tips of long fins normal?
Mine's fins droop a little lot. It's what I call his "relaxed" state. The flare their fins when they're trying to act tough. So, don't worry, it's ok.