Nutso Newbie


Small Fish
Aug 9, 2003
Visit site
Hey guys, I've already made a few posts so I guess this is a bit belated, I just noticed this forum today!

Anyways, my name's Xander (Yes, that's my real name, my parents are freaks, what can I say), I move back and forth between Las Vegas and Houston, and I have 3 tanks: A 1-gallon with 3 ghost shrimp, A 5-gallon with an albino clawed frog and a brand new 10-gallon with a dwarf gourami and an angelfish.

A little about me, I'm 20, a college student double majoring in Biology and Chemistry, with a minor in Spanish. I'm pre-med and hoping to make it in medicine...the MCAT this Saturday will determine that I suppose. My employment history is sketchy at best, I kinda float around from job to job, but phlebotomist, waiter, and catalog model are my main three.

Well that's about it, you guys have been really helpful to me so far! I'm glad to be here, hopefully I'll find some friends :)


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
I like your name :) I have a friend named Xander and ofcourse theres Xander from my fave TV show - Buffy :)
Welcome to the tank, just so you know, the 10 gal. is a little small for your angelfish (now you have an excuse to get another tank :D)