O2 Levels with Canister Filter

Apr 3, 2007
Knoxville Area
I just moved my fish tank from one house to another *aka from my ex-husbands house where it was being held captive, to my new one*... it had been a while since I broke everything down and put it all back together...

I use a Rena Filstar with my 75g tank...

I started to notice that the fish were acting as if they were having trouble breathing...

The tiger barbs are staying up near the surface, not swimming up side down, but still not normal behavior.

My Synodontis Catfish is also staying out and about near the surface, when it normally stays pretty hidden when the lights are on...

Then I noticed that the snails were migrating towards the top of the tank..

I guess that's when the little red warning bells in my head started going off.

I hadn't aimed the return for the filter towards the surface, instead had it going down into the tank.

Here's my questions:

The tank is full, so the return outlet is below surface level. Even with it turned straight up, it only really agitates the surface, does not break it. Will this cause enough surface agitation to oxygenate the tank?

Apr 3, 2007
Knoxville Area
Sad update to this, two of my tigerbarbs are dead. I'm truly hoping that moving the return to break the surface will fix this problem and quick.

I put an airstone in with the hopes that it would help with re-oxygenating the tank quicker and the tigerbarbs have started to come down from the surface and swim about...

Still any info on if the filter alone with Oxygenate the tank well enough by itself, would be great.