

Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
So many worry about taking care of fry. Just the other day I was in a restaurant that has about a 120g tank in its entry way and I was able to idle there for a while. It has cichlids and no plants but a large stacked rock background. There are several large - like about 9" clown loaches also. After I watched for a while, I realized there were also fry of various sizes among the large fish - some obviously just recently born and others from about a 1/2 inch on up, so they will survive given a few nooks and crannies to duck into as needed. I am sure some become food, but certainly not all. I do not have cichlids (except for angels) but I was also surprised that they are not more active than fish like platies and mollies and some of the tetras. The clown loaches were active though.


Superstar Fish
I find that the NW cichlids are not near as active as my African cichlids are. The only big exception is my water dogs (Oscars) as they are always watching what I am doing. My Dempsey's and Red Devils never really interacted with me to much except at feeding time.
When my Africans have fry I remove the rock so they can't hide otherwise I would have way to many in that little 75G. If anyone remembers I acclimated a mess of Mollies to saltwater and they are a very active group to watch. They are always about the tank looking a waiting for food. They had babies too!! Three or four of them survived and will soon be going into on of the other SW tanks whey they get a little bigger.