Would a pair of lamprologus occelatus get along with a trio of black Mollies? I understand that Mollies enjoy the high pH and can be kept in saltwater, but how high is dangerous?
Would the Mollies 'deal' living with a pair of occelatus? Are they suitable for a semi-aggressive tank? I've kept Mollies and Angels together before (when much younger) with no problems but the shellies seem to be more aggressive, 'specially with territory. Would the Mollies learn to distinguish the shellies territories?
And also, who here knows the pH of tap water in the Phoenix, AZ area? My pH tester kit doesn't read high pH levels but I know it's over 7.2.
Are occelatus prone to digging under things?
Would the Mollies 'deal' living with a pair of occelatus? Are they suitable for a semi-aggressive tank? I've kept Mollies and Angels together before (when much younger) with no problems but the shellies seem to be more aggressive, 'specially with territory. Would the Mollies learn to distinguish the shellies territories?
And also, who here knows the pH of tap water in the Phoenix, AZ area? My pH tester kit doesn't read high pH levels but I know it's over 7.2.
Are occelatus prone to digging under things?