Ocean Beach Sand


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I just got back from the store because I wanted to see if I would have to mortgage the tank in order to get it set up - living long enough is already a problem. Anyway the first thing I looked at was a carton of salt. It said to add one rounded tsp. per 5 gallons of water to help keep the fish healthy and colorful. (See entry under "Sand and/or Gravel"} Just how much salt will stay in the ocean sand? Does the sand absorb it? I had planned on putting the sand in a fine sieve and washing it that way. Also does anyone plant in trays? I read in my old book that is a good way to do it. I appreciate all the advise i am receiving. Thanks to all who have responded. My head is *twirlysmi with ideas and questions.