Octo HOB skimmer?

Jan 9, 2009
Owensboro, KY
Has anyone had any experience with the HOB Octopus skimmer or know if it's a good skimmer I have the Octo Extreme 200 on my 125 and love it and was considering the HOB for my 44 but was looking for feedback. Thanks in advance


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I have had both the bakpak and the remora and hands down would take the remora any day or night of the week....the cpr bakpak needs too much tweaking to obtain a good skimate quality.....the remora is virtually plug and play.


Large Fish
May 6, 2006
Tampa, FL
This summer I replaced my AquaC Remora HOB protein skimmer with a Octopus 800s HOB protein skimmer and am very pleased with its performance.

I had the Remora on my tank for a couple of years which produced very light-colored, near scentless skimmate the shade of apple juice. I've always contributed that to the fairly light bioload of my 65gal reef tank (containing four 2.5" fish which I feed every three days).

The Octopus HOB that I have, however, is definately out-performing my previous skimmer. With no change in my system's bioload, the Octo-800s consistantly produces large volumes of very dark (resembling black coffee) and very foul-smelling skimmate.

The Remora and Octopus 800s are the only HOB skimmers I currently have experience with.