Odd behavior of neon tetras


Small Fish
Apr 12, 2006
Hi, 5 of my 6 neons, which I've had 1 week, are behaving oddly. They have healthy appetites, but immediately after feeding their bellies appear to have a small swelling, in the middle just below the pectoral fins. This disappears after about an hour. For about 2 to 3 hours after feeding, they swim with their heads down at a 45 degree angle. They swim downwards but drift upward, as if too buoyant. Their colour is good, they have no spots and their fins look fine. They also chase each other a lot.

I have only had the tank a few weeks, but the water readings are zero for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. It's a new 20 gallon tank with no other fish and no live plants. At least one of the fish has been behaving a bit like this since day 1, but it does seem to be more pronounced now.

Aug 28, 2005
Missouri, USA
Who'da thunk it? Fish with gas...


Most noteworthy, however, are fishes in the herring family (Clupeidae) that are able to expel air from the swim bladder through a unique rear duct. Via muscular alteration of duct size and anal aperture, they can control the size of the bubbles streaming out, and hence, control the pitch. "In essence, these fish 'fart a tune,' used to confuse predators and communicate with conspecifics."