odd color water?

WEll from the front view of my tank, my tank has pretty, uncloudy water, and looks beautiful, but if you see my tnak from the sides the water looks yellow and merky!!

Is it supose to do this, i do 20% water changes every 2 weeks, change my filter cratridge every month, i even bought a new filter. Is this normal, is it good for my fish?

I know some of my fish like a merkier water, but i don't know i'm confused! HELP?


Large Fish
Jan 3, 2003
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your just seeing through a much greater volume of water when looking through the side. Even my tanks that look pristine from the front will look a little cloudy through the side. Your seeing more suspended particulate matter by looking through the side. It shouldn't hurt anything. Just do normal water changer maybe add some more plants that should help with the cloudyness.

Dec 5, 2002
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Well I had a decent size piece of driftwood in my 55 gallon tank. My water had a tint of yellow to cloudyness to it. I used activated carbon and did 25% water changes twice a week. The water never cleared up at all after 1 1/2 months. So i took the drift wood out. After one water change I noticed a difference. And about 2 weeks later, and 4 water changes later, things were crystal clear again.

Can't say this is your problem, but it was mine, GOOD LUCK!