Odd Colour Change

Mar 28, 2005
Phyduex, my fish, was originally white with a red head. Now, for some odd reason he is dark blue. He is at the same activity level as he was before and his appetite hasn't changed. Is there some rare disease I should be worrying about or is he just randomly changing colours to show off? Please help.
Phyduex's Mom

Mar 28, 2005

I've had Phyduex about 3 or 4 months and he is being kept in a glass bowl with a rock and fake flowers. It is not heated or filtered but he is kept in the warmest place in the house...about 75 degrees in that room. He was store bought from 'The Fish Store and More'.

Phyduex's Mom

there are some marbles that start out as a red wash and then change to blue over time...sounds like this might be what you have.

Color changes are kinda normal, especially for petstore bettas...oftentimes what you see in the store is a 'stress coloring' and doesn't even remotley resemble thier true coloring.

I know bettas are most of the time kept in bowls 'just fine', but they are a tropical fish an really prefer water that is 80 degrees. Water temp of an unheated bowl can be up to 10 degrees lower than the air temperature. Your guy will be happier and healthier in a 2g tank heated to 80 degrees. (don't even need a filter, just once a week water changes like the bowl) There are more articles on improving the health of your betta by getting him out of a bowl at Healthybetta.com.