Oh no....(frog danger)

Mar 13, 2009
Poconos, PA
Have you seen "The Vanishing Frog" on Animal Planet?

I watched it last night and I thought the show was going to be about this really cool frog that like....goes invisible or something.

Boy was I wrong.

It was disheartening to learn that 1/3 of the frog population is dying due to kitrid which is a fungus that gets inside the skin and causes paralyzation among other things. Salamanders and other animals are in danger too.

Eventually we will be affected too although the show did not focus on that point.

Where did kitrid come from??

Well, they believe it came from humans.

Back in the 30's, African Clawed Frogs were used as pregnancy tests which was an awful shock to me. They would inject them with a woman's urine and if the frog secreted eggs, it meant the woman was with child. How inhumane!

Those poor little frogs were released back into the wild. Enter : kitrid.

Frogs are used for many medicines that benefit people. They are important for other reasons too.

If you are frog lover or are just as concerned as I am please try to learn more about this deadly situation. Maybe we can help those dedicated scientists who travel by horseback for days in order to reach the rivers and lakes infected with kitrid.

This is happening in America.

Thankyou for reading.


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Medium Fish
Jan 17, 2009
Wow. I seen the show advertised , but my initial impression was the same as yours in that i thought it was a new species with some kind of camouflaging ability being discussed. It sounds like i should have watched it. Thanks for posting this.

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