Oh no...the move...

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
Looks like it's time. I know I asked about this before but this time it's for sure. I'm moving about 150 miles south to pittsburgh somewhere. Not sure yet it all depends on which company hires me! What is the best bet for me to take? I plan on getting a new 75 gallon to move into, but what should I do to get my fishes there? I figured I could just use 5 gallon buckets, but it's pretty cold outside and would the temp of the water in the bucket fluctuate too much? I have a couple battery backups that I can use for air bubbles so I think they might also work for a small heater. What about my DSB? Throw it away and get new stuff? Save the top layer? I read some things about moving on melevsreef.com but could use some more input. I'm looking at a very tight time frame between getting hired, getting a new house, then moving in a matter of a month. I just don't think I could sell my fish!

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Superstar Fish
Aug 26, 2006
Thule, Greenland
If you are getting a new tank then get it in the new place set up. Then I would move the LR making sure that it satys underwater, you dont want anything to die off. Then the Sand and fish at the same time. Can you move the buckets inside a car or SUV? That would be the best bet then you ahve some control of the temp they are exposed to.


Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
They should be able to fit in my truck. I just didn't want to go ice fishing to get my fish out. Hopefully I can find a house soon enough that this process will work. I have 6, 5 gallon buckets think I need more?

I have:

90lbs of LR, DSB, shrimps, fish, cucumbers, crabs, and corals.

I found a place selling a 75 AGA for 129 and the stand for 159. I thought that was a good price.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
im moving in june (my lease is up) only i think im guna stay in ft lauderdale so it wont be so hard .... but im very curious how this is guna work out for ya


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Get some rubbermaid tubs to put the rock in.....and put the sand inwith enough water to keep it wet like those bags you see..... You should be able to salvage most of your sand. Just stir it up well to remove any detritus before you put it in the new tank.....rinse it with tank water....

Put the fish into 5g buckets with lids (for slopping) with the airstones....you should be fine. set up the new tank add the rock....then the sand, then the water mix up some new water as I am not sure but you may not use all the water from the old as the amount of ammonia etc may be high in the water that has the fish in it. The rock water should be okay I would think.....about 25% old and you should be good to go.

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
To help keep the Temp. from getting to cold you can purchase those heat packs (like the ones for in your mitts while skiing) and just place them under the buckets. I know when shippment come in of livestock at the LFS they have them in the boxes around the bags.


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
get a big bucket and a backup battery (its a little on the expensive side up a good investment if the power goes out in the future) and hook at least one powerhead and a heater.

for the live rock just wrap it in wet towels and keep it moist.

*i know a guy that lost $1000s in NY when the whole east side went out for a day*

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Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
I have moved my tank approximately the same distance, however it was in the middle of summer. I was on good terms with my LFS and I went and asked them for 3 Styrofoam containers that they ship fish in, and also a bunch of the bags they use to bag fish in. I put all live stock in these bags then put the boxes in the seat of the car where I could control the temp. Then I put all my rock in two 15 gallon tubs and filled them with water....(heavy, enlist a friend) I then put all my sand in another 15 gallon container and filled it part way with water. I had the new tank set up and then put everything in over the next 12 hours.

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
As soon as I can sell my house then I can look for one in pittsburgh. Then I can hopefully get the new tank up and running. If I moved the fish last inside the cab of my truck I could probably keep the temp at a stable temp. I hope the weather warms up a bit though. Think a cooler would work?


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
You should be able to move the fish without a problem. I moved a reef tank 10 hours and virtually everything survived. If you think about it, four hours is really not very far; these animals stay in bags/boxes for a few days at a time when they are shipped around the country.