oh no!

Aug 2, 2003
i have a ten gallon tank divided in two for my two male bettas... when i went to feed them today i noticed that one of them had fungis and there were some tiny lil itty bitty living worm type things on the glass... i took both bettas out and put them in seperate tanks and added fungis treatment to both even tho one of them had no fungis on him.... my question is this.... how should i clean out the ten gallon tank so there is no remaining fungis or any reoccurance in the future???

Mar 11, 2003
I suggest emptying it out completely, rinsing it in hot water, and then with a little bleach (with a ratio of 1part bleach to 9parts water). Sterilize everything in it the same way. I let my gravel and decorations (after sanitation) sit out in the sun to dry. Like Iggy said, get rid of all live plants. They may be harboring the parasites. Treat your fish for 2 weeks (or unless stated on the medicine otherwise) with any fungus eliminator. I like Jungle Fungus Eliminator. Maroxy I and II or Maracyn might be better though. I have never used them, so read to say what they treat.
