Oh No!


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
Eddie isn't doing so well he is just not himself, I changed his tank thursday and all and he was fine when I saw him this weekend and I came in today and he was all up in the corner of his tank and he ate some food but now was in the middle of the plant he has and then i moved him he swam down and behind is castle and is..oh shoot he has BLOAT I jsut saw him trying to swm and he was veridicle not horizont...no food for a day or two right...

Sep 11, 2005
Yeah I'm hoping he's well.

We actually feared we were going to lose our crowntail a little more than a month ago. He looked rotty and was hardly swimming. So we took him out of his tank to a bowl so we could ensure his water was 100% clean and pretty much figured him for death in a few days.

Within a week he was not only still alive, but back to his normal betta life.

I still have no idea what that was all about. Moral of the story - these bettas can make miraculous comebacks.


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
I fasted him last night and I just gave him a piece of pea ona tooth pick adn he actually ate it! Now is that dedication to fish or what when you go as far at to feed him from a tooth pick!

I told his owner and she said it's not your fault your not responsible for his illness. She has had him for like a year but Ithink he was old whenshe got him.

Ihave no idea who fed him over the weekend I know i didn't and he ate yeste day just 3 pellets and then BOOM bloats ville!

I hope he poops soon man he is ginormus in the belly

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
ninamarie said:
I fasted him last night and I just gave him a piece of pea ona tooth pick adn he actually ate it! Now is that dedication to fish or what when you go as far at to feed him from a tooth pick!

I told his owner and she said it's not your fault your not responsible for his illness. She has had him for like a year but Ithink he was old whenshe got him.

Ihave no idea who fed him over the weekend I know i didn't and he ate yeste day just 3 pellets and then BOOM bloats ville!

I hope he poops soon man he is ginormus in the belly
That's nothing, I use tweezers when Pinky gets his pea! We do love our cup puppies. I am glad he ate it and hope his belly gets back to normal.*PEACE!*


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
He was goo for a day now hw bloated up again. Ihave fed him one pellet day before last so that was monday and I h=gave him one today. He is hanging out on top of his plant and swims down to the bottom then back to hang out on the plant again.

I will have to try the pea again and see if that will get things going for him