oh no!


Large Fish
Oct 31, 2002
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i think my angel(new) has ick, but i'm not sure becuase i've never seen ick before.
this morning i found of my clown loaches dead also
so far i added salt to the tank(community) and the temp is at 83F
a couple of days ago an angel died also(new)
i have a clown loach left in the tank, 4 corys, female betta, and another angel(i've had for 5-6-months)
the ick angel seems to be acting normal, it swims around and eats.
is my tank infected now? how should i treat it or should i just treat the one affected angel in another tank?
here are some picture i just took, it didn't want to take picture today...


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
the top picture I think I can see some spots on the angel...its a light fish so its hard to capture on the camera.

I think I would probably treat the whole tank. If the angel already has ick, and you've had deaths recently...everyone else in the tank is probably stressed out.

If you don't have live plants I would keep the light off more, and you have done good with raising the temp and adding salt.


Large Fish
Oct 31, 2002
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wow thanks for the quick reply...
everybody seems to acting like they always act, the clown loach looked and acted normal also right before it died.
should i do a water change? how much salt should i add? what about medication?
thanks again


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I've never delt with ich before...but I would do a search for ich threads on the board and see what other people have suggested or used that worked. I think melafix is one that is reccomended.

Also there should be a reccomended dosage on the aquarium salt...I would just go with that.

Usually with the medication it has directions dealing with water changes i.e. add medication, after 24 hours do a 25% water change before adding second dose, then do another 25% water change when the sickness is gone...or something like that. So I would follow the directions on the medication.

Don't forget to take the carbon out of your filter when you're medicating.


Superstar Fish
yes, I would turn the lights off as much as feasible - the free floating ich are attracted to the light. Hence, if the light is off, it keeps them nearer the bottom of the tank, and less likely to run into one of your fish.

Water changes are important - mostly to just clean the gravel. It should be done everyday, because this helps remove the amount of ich that is maturing in the gravel.

Be careful adding salt if you have loaches or other fish that aren't very tolerant of salt.

I used coppersafe, but there are tons of other medications for ich. I also added some stress coat to help them keep their coats nice and healthy. You may need to increase airation in the tank because of the raised tank temp and the medication.

some medicines allow you to leave the carbon in the tank, so read what the instructions say if you go that route. Don't get discouraged if it looks like nothing is getting better. Ich takes awhile to get rid off. I had it for three weeks with no signs of improvement. :(

hoped that helped


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Racine, WI
i use coppersafe by mardel and aquarium salt (1tbs per 5gal) together...coppersafe is nice because its stable in water (meaning you dont need to add it everyday, only when replacing water)...alot of other meds need to be added daily which means the amount of meds in the water is not constant

melafix wouldnt help much imo its more antibacterial...you need something made for parasites

like leopardess said gravel vaccuuming is very important since ich spends part of it life cycle there

good luck



Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
usually white spots aren't normal. I would say unless the fish has had them since before you got it, its not normal.

Did you look at some pictures of parasites?