Oh Nooooo!!


Large Fish
Jul 19, 2007
:eek: mrs. peels my blue crayfish has died...and i think i am the culprit... i did a water change for her yesterday...and she was fine...approx 24hr later shes walking around...climbing..acting like her usual self...i was feeding my rat some bread..and i foolishly decided to give a few crumbs to the crayfish...i left for an hour to go shopping and BOOM she was gone..she was pink underneath and was lying next to the bread...is it the iodine that killed her..or perhaps my rat could of had something on her paws (i use a bitter spray on surfaces...maybe some was on her paws...but honestly i dont think she even touched the bread)...this is soooo weird..i think it was the bread that did it, could something else have been the cause..ammonia/nitrite are zero and nitrate is 5mg/L....i cant figure it out...i have had her since july 21...could it of been the oxygen content was too low...was she barely surviving and it built up now??? Im stunned

this has been a horrible day, on top of this my oldest mouse passed away and another died as well...all in the same day...


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
Wow, you have had a bad day. Sorry 'bout that. I also lost my cray after about a month without any obvious explanation.....it's a bummer:(


Large Fish
Jul 19, 2007
i feel like a serial killer..:(

it SUCKS that im not 100% certain on what happened

im noticing that there is a slight white "algae" like growth on the corner of the tank and a little on my driftwood......OH CRAP...upon closer inspection they are little worm like creatures...and there are HUNDREDS OF THEM:eek: :eek:

ohhh my gosh its a flash back to what happened to me a few yrs back when someone dropped a piece of chicken and almost over night the floor was covered with THOUSANDS of white worms and all the fish died and i ended up killing all the plants and starting over bc i was terrified of contamination...come to think of it i did feed the guy some krill..

.........i think im gonna puke*SICK*