ok another question

Jul 19, 2003
Grants Pass, Oregon
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kids want to get a snail and a frog the ones I have seen at lfs have no dry land at all .. is it possible for a frog not to have any dry land and live a long time and what would it do to my bio-load thanks for the feedback


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2003
ontario, canada
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there are frogs that stay fully submersed under water their whole life, we have them at my petsmart and they are kinda odd but they live well. I think they are called african clawed frogs or something like that. But other frogs i beleive need a water/land habitat. HTH


Large Fish
Aug 13, 2003
Norwalk, CT
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There are two types of frogs commonly sold at pet stores that stay completely submerged in water their entire life.

There is the African Dwarf Frog, which is a small aqautic frog, usually grayish brown in color. They get to be about 2 inches long. These guys are more readily sold than the African Clawed Frogs. The ACFs are much larger, capable of getting 8-10 inches long when stretched out. They are also usually sold as albinos.

If you get either frogs, keep in mind that they well eat basically anything that fits in their mouth. That means any smaller fish, smaller frogs, etc. So be careful with what you keep the frogs with. They CAN be kept in community tanks with similar sized, or bigger fish, as long as one animal can't be eaten by the other. Obviously, you will need to be sure you have enough room for them too.

They well eat just about anything. The larger ACFs may eat feeder fish, various insects, fish flakes, sinking pellets, bloodworms, etc. The ADFs may be feed fish flakes, sinking pellets, small crickets, or bloodworms.

And yes, they produce waste just like anything else, so be sure not to add too many frogs or fish for whatever tank size you have.

Jul 15, 2003
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Do not get African Clawed Frogs. They will get big and eat your fish. What you want is called an African Dwarf Frog. They will only get about 1.5" and are truly aquatic frogs. If you have floating plants (like I do), you will sometimes see them sitting on them right at the water line, but they do not need to get onto dry land. Do some research before you buy one so you can make sure how to tell them apart. Dwarf frogs will have 4 toes and you can see webbing between them. Clawed frogs will have 3 claws. If you see an albino, chances are it is a clawed frog (just read that tonight, thank goodness I was about to buy a couple). I have read on this website that they produce alot of waste, but I have kept them for years with no water chemistry problems. They eat any food that falls to the bottom, and I drop in a sinking tablet once a week.

Jun 22, 2003
NS, Canada
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your frog questions have been answered, as for a snail, go for an apple or ramshorn snail. These guys are CUTE! (Not a good idea if you have live plants, though, because they will eat them all!!) As for bioload, I don't think they make very much mess.


Medium Fish
May 20, 2003
Denver, CO.
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I actually bought a few live plants and got a few baby snails in the process for free. Stowaways on the plants.
Now I have about a dozen. They seem to keep the tank clean and can get places my pleco can't.
Some people seem to love them and others are not so fond of them.
Good luck.