ok guys need breeding help


Medium Fish
Mar 25, 2006
not for me my fish,ive got 3 yellow labs,two red zebras,and 5 blue mbunas,1 johanni,i peacock,and 2 that i cant remember the names.had them all over a year now no breeding at all,is this normal?its a peaceful tank,theres caves rocks,plants.is there anything i can do?is there fishy pornos they can watch?any advice please

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
pH doesn't really matter that much unless its a wild or first generation wild. Fish from the LFS are usually very easy to aclimate to other conditions such as pH. Having lived fine over a year....i wouldn't panic or wouldn't fiddle with it, its probably fine where it is. Unless its below 7, i wouldn't touch it.

The first task would possibly be trying to determine sex of the fish. Funny thing is the 2 species you have that will be easiest to sex...are alone. There's 1 of each the johanni and the peacock.

I've notcied things like changing a lot of water in one WC will trigger something, or changing water with a different (slight, nothing major) temp will induce them. Besides sexing them to make sure you have a good Male/Female ratio i'd say all you can do is keep clean water and wait. You're pH unless very soft shouldn't really matter that much.

How big are these fish? Got any pics of them? :cool: We could possibly help in the IDing of some and maybe some sexing (Though with species like Redzebras and especially yellow labs....its tough.)