Ok, Ive decided on SW


Small Fish
Aug 14, 2003
The Ozarks
Visit site
It did not take much thinking for me to decide to set up another sw tank. It has been almost 3 years for me so I want to pick you brains. I have a 55gal. no lights yet, but i do have a magnum 350 canister, an undergravel, 3 powerheads and 2 biowheels. is that going to be enough? Should I ditch the undergravel and go with live sand? and what about a skimmer? I have used Seaclones skimmer before and it seemed good. What do you recomend? And the last question is I will most likley keep this a fish only tank with a couple clowns a yellow tang, a goby, and I might get a crab. So is live rock and sand a good idea or should I just go with base rock and stuff? I might go farther in a year or so with some corals so I do not want to have to start to set the tank up again then.Thanks:confused:


Large Fish
Dec 2, 2002
Buffalo, NY
The live rock and sand is good. You can do a FOWLR (fish only with live rock) This will be your major source for biological filtration. Most people don't use any filter on their tank, other than one to occasionally run carbon. If you use any of them, I would use the magnum 350, and not worry about the rest. I'd get a skimmer. I would recommend a CPR bak pak II skimmer, or a AquaC remora. Most people either love or hate the seaclone. I've never used one, so I can't really comment. The 4 fish you have is ok. The yellow tang might eventually grow out of the 55, as I've seen most people recommend a 75, but YMMV. If you're not getting corals, I'd consider a flame angel (or any other dwarf angel) instead. The others should be fine. Just remember to let your tank cycle, and then add things very slowly.


Small Fish
Aug 14, 2003
The Ozarks
Visit site
Sounds great. I do plan on really taking my time on this tank and getting the look I have been after with the live rock. I will reconsider the yellow tang, I was going for it for 1 reason is that I have had kept them in the past and seemed to be a hardy fish. But I do like the look of the dwarf angels. How are they for the beginer to keep?