OK my fish are moved so I have 2 questions

Apr 7, 2005
My goldfish are happy now. I started out with my 10 gallon tank, and had 8 goldfish in it. Well I posted a couple questions on here and was told I had way to many fish in there. Here is where I am now.
Out of the 8:
3 died
2 got taken to my brother in laws pond on Saturday *BOUNCINGS
and the last 3 got put into a new home

We now have a 29 gallon aquarium in our basement that has the 3 goldfish in them. We did this all last night, and they look awesome. Now that they are in the 29 gallon tank, the 10 gallon I have to admit was small. Thanks everyone for jogging my brain. ( the only thing is I didnt do the tests and things yet to see my ph and all that yet)

I have a question now. Is 3 (feeder goldfish) in a 29 gallon tank an ok amount or is there still to many in there? I would kinda like to go get a fantail goldfish and put in there and I like the bubble eye goldfish.*GOLDFISH*

In the 29 gallon tank, we are running an undergravel filter, and 2 filters over the back.

Me and my hubby went over to THAT FISH PLACE, in the town next to ours. And he got me my gravel vac, a masters test kit (that I really like but one of the cards was missing) bottle of stress zyme, bottle of AmQuel, and some 3 in 1 water conditioner. Anything else that I may need?

Once I get this all to where I need everything. I'm off to start my 29 gallon tropical fish one. That one I'm really excited for. I even have my hubby into where he is helping with the fish.

I think I have a couple more questions but off hand I forget what they are. So I will be posting again.
Thanks for your help in advace. *BOUNCINGS

Apr 7, 2005
Sorry Ram Ram but I had 8 gold fish in a 10 gallon aquarium recently and people in this forum were telling me that, that was way to many in a 10 gallon. That the most I should have in a 10 gallon is no more than 2-3 and that is max.

Thanks for the post

Sep 23, 2003
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You are maxed out as the feeders (also called common goldfish) get to be 14 inches. You may want to consider putting all of them in a pond as they will do better in a bigger pond. I used to breed them and eventually sold mine to a lady with a 5000 gallon pond. The common goldfish are suggested to be stocked at 1 fish per 20 gallons. A 29 gallon would hold two adult fancy types (like bubble eyes and fantails). If you get bubble eyes it is advised to only have telescope, celestials or bubble eyes as they do not see well and other types of goldfish will eat most of the food. Most of the fancy types get to about 8-12 inches so a 29 gallon would hold two for quite some time, but may need to be up graded.