ok. here is my situation: I have a little over 25 gallon tank. 15" tall. Its cycled and very well planted. The PH is about 7. its got "ok" filtration. umm it has not a grain of salt in it. I think thats enough about specs. Now comes the hard part. Choosing the fish. Yes the such long and tedious task of choosing a fish. want I DONT want.
1) a shoaling small fish. I'm open to larger shoaling fish if it could be kept in a shoal of no more then 4.
2)an aggresive fish. It has to be a community.
3) a picky eater. It has to be an omnivor.
4)isnt too timid. This fish will be the main focal point of the fish part of my tank. (its an aquascape so I like to think the plants are the main focal point.)
5) has to be a more rounder shape fish and has to stay between 4-5 inches. So this means no livebearers like swords and such. wich brings me to number 6.
6)no livebearers.
ok thats about it. I have narowed the field down to a few fish and they are all cichlids. I want to know if this would do well in my tank. And if you have any other fish you think would do well please let me knwo.
option number one: An Angel + a krib
number two: angel + ram
numero tres: ram + krib
number four: all of the above together
So anyone bold enough to have read my whole thread and are good to give me some advise? oh and BTW I'll have about 10 cories and MAYBE a few ottos in there too.
1) a shoaling small fish. I'm open to larger shoaling fish if it could be kept in a shoal of no more then 4.
2)an aggresive fish. It has to be a community.
3) a picky eater. It has to be an omnivor.
4)isnt too timid. This fish will be the main focal point of the fish part of my tank. (its an aquascape so I like to think the plants are the main focal point.)
5) has to be a more rounder shape fish and has to stay between 4-5 inches. So this means no livebearers like swords and such. wich brings me to number 6.
6)no livebearers.
ok thats about it. I have narowed the field down to a few fish and they are all cichlids. I want to know if this would do well in my tank. And if you have any other fish you think would do well please let me knwo.
option number one: An Angel + a krib
number two: angel + ram
numero tres: ram + krib
number four: all of the above together
So anyone bold enough to have read my whole thread and are good to give me some advise? oh and BTW I'll have about 10 cories and MAYBE a few ottos in there too.