OK, Will this work?


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
I've seen several threads (More probably) regarding putting Angelfish in 29g tanks, I've even responded to them stating it's a bad idea....Well some of the more "educated" MFT members have said it would be fine, so now I want to do it :eek:

OK the question, My 29g has currently the stock in my sig. the Danios are going away today. Will 1 Angel work in this tank? I'm going to add 2 more otos, and 2-3 cories, and maybe 2 more Serpae Tetra. Maybe some Rasbora as well. for a running total of:

1 Angel (Juvenile)
3 Otos
3 Cories
6 Serpae Tetra
1 Blue "Three Spot" Gourami (Juvenine, Currently about 2" I have a home for him, if he has to go)
1 Dojo Loach (Only there till summer)
5 Rasbora (Maybe)

Will these stocking numbers/species work? Add/Remove any?

(Note all the "New" fish will be added slowly, probably over the next month or so, The Angel will be first)


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Thanks Lotus!

Lotus said:
Angels and blue gouramis don't make a very good pairing. I'd go for one or the other in the 29g tank.
Yup, my thought too, I'll probably re-home the Gourami this afternoon.

Lotus said:
I'd say your stocking plan is heavy for a tank that size. I wouldn't get the rasboras, as I think it will be pushing the limits.
Well, my thoughts were that I assumed Cory's were required for cleaning up leftover food and whatever, if not, then I'll skip them. I love how my Serpae look, however they just aren't all that fun to watch (and if 4 is enough, I'll leave it), So I thought Rasboras would add some "fun" to the tank. I want otos for sure, efficient lil' glass cleaners.

I hope some of this makes sense, any suggestions on "fun, pretty, low bio-load" tankmates?

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
As suggested, move the gourami to his new home if you wanna keep an angelfish. And yes, I'd say that 1 angelfish (no more than one, lol) would be a fine centerpiece for this size of tank.

I'd either do the serpae tetras or the rasboras, but not both.
I've had serpaes before, and I agree about your assessment...pretty, but kinda boring. I've never had rasboras though (but I want some, lol), but I'd go with those instead anyway.

Here's what I'd do:
1 angel (6" adult size)
12 rasboras (let's call it 1" each)
3 cories (2" each)
3 ottos (1.5" each)

Puts you under 30" of fish (full adult-sized).
I think the larger school of rasboras (or whatever smaller fish you choose) will look cool with an (eventually large) angelfish roaming around as tank boss.



Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Your dojo will do a pretty good job of cleaning up leftover food. They seem to spend a lot of time looking through the substrate for food. The otos may also clear up some leftover foods.

Rasboras would probably work, but I'd worry about them with the angel when it grows up. A couple more serpaes might make a more fun group. At the end of the day, tetras aren't really that much fun anyway, IMO.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Tank Size Changed!! Now 55G

OK everyone, I was considering doing this in my 29g....well that plan is gone, I have a recently acquired 55g w/stand $40 Thank you craigslist!!!

Anyway my stocking plan is fundamentally the same (See sig.) I only have one concern...My 3 Spot Gourami, (Female) I was going to re-home this lil' girl, but I somehow have grown quite attached to her. :( She's about 3.5" with fins right now.

Sooooo I want to add some angel fish (Suggestion on how many) But more importantly now that there is more room, can they be housed with my Gourami? So far she's never been aggressive toward any of her current tank mates, but I know this is never a "perfect" description, because fish can "snap" whenever they want :eek: If she must go, I'll figure something out. :(

I currently have 5 "hides" for whatever fish want them (I can add more if needed)

A few notes for those getting ready to freak out:

1) The gravel in the new 55g is: 1/2 from my old 20L "seeded" and Cycled, the other 1/2 I bought "mature" gravel from my LFS.

2) All the plants/decor from my 20L are now in my 55g (along with some new of course)

3) The filter is from my old 20L (Penguin 150) the filter media is already cycled...This should make my overall tank cycle dramatically shorter. (No angels will be added until I've confirmed this) I'll be adding an additional filter (another 150) or Just one new "massive" (Maybe a Penguin 350) filter today. *thumbsups

4) Yes I know the Neons can/will ultimately end up as Angel food, This doesn't trouble me :D

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Hehe...you're just lucky I'm not skipping this over! lol
Nah...just kidding...congrats on the new acquisition!

First off, about the filter situation---personally I'd go with two smaller ones as opposed to one big one if you intend to use HOB's. This is how I've rigged it up on my 38 gal. (2 AquaClear 50's), and it provides much better water-flow than just having one filter. Fish may not notice a huge difference, but I think it still helps...especially in a planted tank.

As for stocking...
I'd hang onto the gourami that you've grown attached to and see how things go. The number of angels you get largely depends on whether or not you want to try breeding them. If so, your best bet is to get 5 or 6 younger ones and let them pair-off naturally (which takes time, of course).

I'm not sure whether or not you could get away with keeping more than one pair in a 55 gal. Personally, I would just keep one pair. ;)

Remind me again, what all else is going into the tank?



Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Big Vine said:
Hehe...you're just lucky I'm not skipping this over! lol
Nah...just kidding...congrats on the new acquisition!
You've never skip one of MY posts would you? :cool:

Big Vine said:
First off, about the filter situation---personally I'd go with two smaller ones as opposed to one big one if you intend to use HOB's.
Yea, I bought a second Penguin 150 Today.

Big Vine said:
I'm not sure whether or not you could get away with keeping more than one pair in a 55 gal. Personally, I would just keep one pair. ;)

Remind me again, what all else is going into the tank?

Well the current inhabitants are in my sig.

As far as future tankmates, I'm not sure, if I do add more it won't be very many, maybe a few otos but we'll see.

Last edited:

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Okay, gotcha.
As it stands now, it'll be fairly empty-looking---even when you get some angels in there.

I'd beef up both schools of tetras...especially the neons.
A pair of larger angels (which it sounds like you'll end up with...eventually) with one or two large schools of tetras would look awesome, IMO!

Of course, I'm probably just suggesting that because that's what I'm trying to achieve in my 38 gal. setup, so I'm obviously a little biased. lol



Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Big Vine said:
Okay, gotcha.

I'd beef up both schools of tetras...especially the neons.
A pair of larger angels (which it sounds like you'll end up with...eventually) with one or two large schools of tetras would look awesome, IMO!

Soooo, buy 4-5? angels wait for a "pair" and return the rest? I'm not interested in breeding, I'm interested in angels that won't fight all the time (I assume 2 males would?)

Beefing up the Tetra schools sounds good too ;)

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
IDunnoWhy said:
Soooo, buy 4-5? angels wait for a "pair" and return the rest? I'm not interested in breeding, I'm interested in angels that won't fight all the time (I assume 2 males would?)
Okay, I seem to recall going through this whole set of questions back before I got my angels, and what I was told is that angelfish basically work well if you either have one or a pair.

Someone correct me if this isn't so 'black & white.'

If I were you, I'd get 5 or 6 younger ones.
This will give you plenty of time to pick out one or two favorites before they start pairing-off. Once they do pair-off, you'll then know which pair you wanna hang onto the most. And yes, you'd need to find homes for the others.

I know you're not interested in breeding them, so no worries there.
If/when the pair lays eggs, you could always remove them. Or, simply leave them in there. They may get eaten. Some might even survive.

Who cares though, right? You could just take any survivors and give them away or sell them.



Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Big Vine said:

If I were you, I'd get 5 or 6 younger ones.
This will give you plenty of time to pick out one or two favorites before they start pairing-off. Once they do pair-off, you'll then know which pair you wanna hang onto the most. And yes, you'd need to find homes for the others.

When they "pair" is it obvious? Like these 2 and these 2 spend alot of time near each other? The rest just roam around?

IDunnoWhy <------Humbly seeks forgiveness for barrage of "stupid" questions :p

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Those are all good questions!
Yes, I am told that they will generally hang out together a lot. Swim around together, scavenge in the same spot together...that sort of thing. Generally once they reach about 2" in body length (i.e. not including fins).

I'm still working on figuring this out in my angelfish setup.
I'm fairly confident that the two largest angels in the tank have paired-up, but I'm not sure yet.

Hope this helps...surely some people who've been through all this will chime in soon and tell you that everything I've said thus far is a bunch of B.S. :p