Okay - am I losing it?

Jul 15, 2006
Plainfield Illinois
I have done a few water changes to bring my nitrates down. I just did one a bit ago... and I saw something... strange.

I am almost embarrassed to write this. I was sitting there watching my tank after the water change and there was a bit of stuff floating around and... I am not sure what I saw.

It looked like a piece of lint - string - very very very thin - almost couldn't see it. BUT I swear it was wiggling around like a snake. It was only maybe a cm or two long. I lost it, and so I thought maybe it was in my head or moving around because of the filtering, etc.

But then, five minutes later, I saw it again. Squiggling around. Is this some microscopic little creature, or is lint doing the boogie dance with the filter current? Because it sure didn't look like lint doing the boogie dance.

And please note, even though I AM a blonde, I don't think I was imagining this!*twirlysmi


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
There are all kinds of small worms/nematodes that can get into fish tanks. About 99% of the time they're harmless, although they do indicate either overfeeding or not enough gravel vacuuming.

They usually disappear if you feed a little less and clean the gravel a little more. :)


Small Fish
Mar 27, 2006
Could it be poo that was maybe moving around from the movement of your water? (im movement of water i mean you fish are moving past it or near the filter)

Hopefully its not an anchor worm parasite. is there anything sticking to your fishes tails or scales? do you fish look healthy?

oh, ok nm my reply! Just tryin to help!

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Jul 21, 2006
uk northampton
i have a 14 gallon tank with no fish in yet, and i moved the filter nozel and i saw a small white line thing wiggling about, i thought it was just dirt or sumthing but i dont know what it was, probably something on my hand that came of when i put my hand in the tank.