Okay...Okay...I'm late.


Large Fish
Oct 3, 2003
Hello all. I just now got around to properly introducing myself:p
I found this site a few days ago and just jumped right in. IT is the best fish talk I've found on the net.
Thank you all for the great advise and links. And I agree with a few others..this hobby is ADDICTING!!!:cool:
Lets see...just to share, I have...
7 glow light neons
1 male molly
2 female platies
2 ghost shrimp
1 large gold fish(with a funny story)
1 rosy bard
2 small algie eaters
2 rasboras(is that how its spelled:confused: )
1 male Betta
1 female Betta
And about 15 platy fry!
And as some may know I have a preganet female platy, a little grey one. She has refused to eat today...Maybe this is it....*crosses fingers*:)