I bought 6 ghost shrimp about 3 weeks ago and all of them died that night. I later found out that they died because of the ph chemical I was adding( I know, I never should of added it, big mistake!) So far from then, I did a 30% water change, then a 50% a week later, Then I switch my gravel to schultz aquatic soil and with that a 40% all without adding the ph chemical. With that totaled up, I changed 120% of the water that had the chemical in it. I've been testing my water to make sure of not having a mini cycle and my ammonia and nitrite are at 0. As of right now I don't have any algae, but I was thinking about getting shrimp in 2 weeks right after doing a weekly 30% water change. Would it be fine getting shrimp without the fear of losing them to the stupid ph chemical? Would getting an oto be best for cleaning walls and the shrimp being a scavenger and algae cleaner for my plants or just getting shrimp and not the oto?
The shrimp I plan on getting are cherries
The shrimp I plan on getting are cherries