Old Betta on Oxygen


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
Well I was noticing that Flipper was kinda whilting away the past few days, I figured well he is an old man now 4yrs and I am sure it's time for him to go to that mudd puddle/rice field in the sky now..so I actually was going let him go and then I thought hmm do I still have that little air pump with the air stone in the box under my desk...well heck yeah , minus the air stone. So I hooked it all up for him in his 1 gal tank and wouldn't you know it that geezer is now happy and swims around and actually attacked the bubble from the hose!!!

So Now I have a geriactric Betta on oxygen!!!


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
You might want to consider a bit of aquarium salt for the bloating. I use it in my betta tanks now and then when they look bloated. I'm not sure if it does anything but it doesn't hurt.

Mar 7, 2008
i have never heard of a betta getting 4 years old. i just got one to put in my 3g tank and so far he is fun to have around. plus everytime i coem to the tank he swims like crazy then tries to get some food(stares at the top of the water waiting for a pellet.) hopefully Flipper will have a longer life.*thumbsups


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
Thanks y'll he is still kick'n and doing good so far.
That picture is not him actually, but he used to look like that.

4 yrs is about the max for Bettas who are taken care of. I have always taken care of my babies and they do very well. I have 2 bettas at home that are about 3 1/2 yrs old and they are doing well also.