old tank, new type of fish...


Small Fish
Jul 28, 2006

okay, i have had a tank for 4 years and i had two pacu, i moved to an apartment and my room mate literally froze on of my fish to death (long story) so i have moved back home and to other pacu did not take to the move that great and he ended up dying shortly after. So now i am trying to set up my 55 gal for a community tank. i have never been able to keep any other fish w the pacu because they would eat anything that went in (even an oscar their own size) they were awsome fish and so bug, but i am ready for a change but i dont know anything about community tanks. i thought i knew enough about other fish but apparently not. i introduced several fish in two days ago but all i have left living are two garoumis sp? they are doing really well and love the tank. (it is awsome looking, i have never been able to have many plants because the pacu ate them so i decked it out w an atlantis theme hee hee) so i would really appreciate some ideas on fish that would occupy the entire tank bottom middle and top, and hopefully live. i have well water and i think it is more acidic and alkaline than most fish can bear, so i need fish who arent really sensitive. i appreciate any help and suggestions thanks!!


Superstar Fish
Mar 28, 2006
Chicago, IL
Welcome to MFT! For future reference, you can always just edit your posts to correct misspellings, etc.

Have you checked your ammonia/nitrite/nitrate levels? It could be that your tank became uncycled in the transition.

I could be wrong, but I don't think your water can be both acidic (meaning low pH) and alkaline (meaning high pH - but I've also seen the word referred to in the context of hardness with reference to water).

I would recommend getting your water tested for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, pH, and gH/kH. Those parameters will help determine what fish will do best in your tank :D


Small Fish
Jul 28, 2006
thanks sorry, i was refering to the hardness, it also has high nitrates and nitrites but the ammonia is usually low. and when i moved i kepy several buckets of the old water to put in the new set up, and when the last pacu died, and i let the tank filter for a little less than two days so it would filter through a new cartridge and clean the water,i also did a 50% water change (including a real thorough vacuming) and cleaned the heaters, but i left the sponge in the filter so i would still have some of the good stuff left. was that too soon to add fish? i have realized that the bigger the fish the better chance they are going to live, but i dont want big fish again, sigh