Old Tank Syndrome


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2008
I have two 10g with cory fry (grow out tanks that have been cycled for over 3 months that suddenly had a ph crash to under 6 and ammonia/nitrites skyrocketed. 10% water changes have been done twice weekly at a minimum and my tap water usually is ph 7.4+.

The first 10g crashed a week ago, but the other 10g was OK. I pulled an AQ 50 off of the 40 to cycle it again quickly and did many water changes, it is stable now, but the other 10g now crashed.

What could cause something like this to happen over a period of a few days. Each tank had about 20 cory fry around 1/4 to 1/2 inch. One 10g is well planted and the other is bare bottom with a bunch of floating Water Sprite.

I have a 20 cycling to put them in, but am now in a rush because the second 10g crashed like the first did and do not have an extra seasoned filter. I am alos concerned witht he very low PH and acclimating the fish from a tank with a 6 ph to one with a 7.2 ph.

Cannot put them in the 40g because the Bolivian Ram tries to eat them.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
One possibility is if your local water company is flushing the pipes or has changed over from chlorine to chloramines. When they flush pipes, they dump in a bunch of chloramines into the system. It can add ammonia to the tank, and cause a crash.

Other possibilities include not dechlorinating the water or perhaps a lot of uneaten food in the tank, which is common in fry tanks.


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2008
Our tap water always tests at .25 -.5 for ammonia, but we have had a lot of rain so they may have upped the dosage of chloramines.

I am stuck now with a 10g with 1ppm nitrate and a partially cycled 20g with 1ppm nitrate and nowhere safe to put the cories. I put the bio media from a seasoned AQ 50 in the AQ 20 in the 20g and figure the AQ20 plus the 10g filter will clear up the 20 quicker than the 10 especially with lots of water changes. My biggest concern is acclimatizing from ph 6.4 to ph 7.4.