Omg Big Accident


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
I am in shock, I cleaned my fish tank today and went to change the rock and all so I picked ithe tank up to rinse it and put the rocks in it. Anyway my hands were wet but i dried the on my pants but guess not good enough. When I went to pick up my tank it fell and cracked. I am freaking out now what do i do. I got my bfs old 5 gal for now should I put gravel in it since i am buying another tank tomorro? Also with the new tank do i have to cycle it? I am getting a 10 gal now. WHat is really good names of tanks?

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Ouch! Are you talking about brands? All Glass Aquariums have never let me down.

Keep everything wet with tank water if you can. Holds the bacteria and you might have a small bloom or spike but you shouldn't have to cycle. And use as much of the old water in the new tank as you can.


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
do all glass tanks get algae on it? the one i just had was a water home and my bf has a tetra and they both got algae in it but when he had his 40 gal tank a few months back he had no algae at all and it was all glass. Also when i pu the fish in the 5 gal now i am borrowing should i put gravel in it ?


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
well put gravel in and the fish all seems ok now i gotta get the new tank tomorro and start over again :mad: I am soooo upset but happy too in a way cause at least i can now have a 10gal tank for my too many fish hehe

Jul 19, 2007
i've done that before with a ten gallon tank..:rolleyes:...i went to walmart and got another ten gallon and just put all the gravel from the old one into the new and placed my fish back in, i had no new tank syndromn bc there was enough nitrifiying bacterial biofilms on and within the gravel

and my fav brand of aquariums is all it


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
Well got my 10 gal today and had to get new gravel cause the old one was fulll of baby snails. Anyway so I kept about 4 buckets of tank water and the rest new water with the new filter and new filter components which I soaked in tank water for an hour b4 putting it in the new filter. Almost had a mishap though. My big orange platy was nowhere to be found once i put the fish back in, luckily i found him he was on the floor under my bed :eek: He must have jumped out when i moved the bowl and didn't notice. Anyway found him on time and he is swimming about and looks ok. Thank go i have carpet though so it might have broke his fall a bit. it looks nice though the tank and am happy with it. Now want to get a nice back ground for it hehe. Guess i am going to walmart tomorro. Oh and i bought another apple snail since my first one died on me 4 days ago. A small golden apple snail. Just hope it don't reproduce cause now have a pesky baby snail free tank don't want more babies.

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