OMG HELP!!!!!!!


Small Fish
Dec 8, 2002
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My 30 gallon fish tank has a ph of 9.0,geez. I have kribs in there is that why they might not breed they have layed eggs once thow.And y java moss wont grow could that be why. What do i do to lower the ph?:confused: *laughingc


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
If you have live plants, add in CO2 through a DIY system (or even pressurized if you can afford it!) The CO2 will not only help the plants, but it will naturally lower the PH as well. My PH is normally around 7.0, but with CO2 addition to mine gets to 6.2 or so.

Also, filtering through peat, addition of driftwoods, and chemical stuff will lower PH as well. But I am guessing your tap water is that harsh (probably hard and a high kH as well ...) so you might want to go with bottled water or RO water or even rainwater ...

I don't think there is a whole lot you can do without a huge investment, sadly. Hopefully some others will be able to comment!

Test your tap water and get back to us, I'd be interested to know what you are starting out with. A large piece of drift wood like a piece of African Swahala root wood would probably lower pH and soften your water, you might also use peat in your filtration. If your tap water really is that base all the time, I'd suggest getting some rift lake cichlids, that way you won't have to attempt to adjust water conditions so drastically.