At approximately 5am this morning my 10 inch oscar took a flying leap out the back of my 55 where the filter meets the top. he flopped around in the dust for about 10 minutes whilst i frantically grabbed him with a wet towel. I had to go to work, so i could not stay home to check on him. i come home and find the outer layer of his right eye is torn (he seems able to see fine thought), and he is covered in the dust still. I cannot get him to let me get much of it of of him. he has a few minor scrapes and scratches, but the main problems are his eye and the dust. what do I do? I've never in all my years of fishkeeping had a fish completely jump tank like this (other than bettas and the one time my first oscar jumped from a 10 gallon he was in into the 29 hex that held his food what can i do to save his eye? what meds do I use?