OMG what happened!

I dunno what happened! When I got my 30 gallon tank I did my fishie shuffle and I found that I could use my 5.5 for Kane my betta. . . I put him in there and I woke up the next morning and he was COVERED in fin rot and some kind of white feathery looking fungus!!! My poor baby!! I took him out and used my 2.5 as a makeshift hospital now 2 days later he is looking MUCH better and he even starting to swim around again. . .I felt so bad I don't know what happened. . . I think I'm going to sanatize the heck out of everything in that fish tank and start from square one. That was just too close for comfort even though I did everything as I normally do the levels when WAY wrong. . . I'll look into it. I'll give you updates on Kane's condition.


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
That happend to one of my bettas a while back I go t him and then 3 days later he was coverd in this cotton fungus and then died.
Yes clean the SNOT( love that saying :D ) out if that tank really really well and treat kane in the hospital tank until he clears up then put him back in the other cleaned out tank.
Let us know how he is doing.


Well looks like his fungus cleared up and I've been watching him closely and he seems to be just fine. He looks as though hes very depressed because I stuck him in the tank alone after all this time hes been sharing the 2.5 with Stitch he wouldn't swim and he just looked so darn pitiful. . . .

so I changed the water, put the divider back in and put Stitch back in as well. . . right away Kane came back to life!!!!!! He flared up as beautiful as ever. . a little roughed up around the fins but he flared up all the same!!!

I'm so happy he is alright!!! gonna watch both of them to see what happens next . . .I'll update ya'll again soon