once a day feeding


Large Fish
Aug 13, 2003
the mitten state
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diff feeding time

can i feed betta fry at 3:30pm and at 10:30pm and not in the morning? i dont have much tim ein the morining so i was wondering if they could survive with diff feeding times:confused:

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well, it is always best to feed the fry 3 times a day! it would be best if you could feed them in the morning cause they'd be starved little buggers! some might even die of starvation. besides, if you dont have time, MAKE time, wake up earlier! dont be lazy! just wake up at 6! like me! :) lol, well, what i would do IS wake at 6 to feed the fry. betta fry are one of the most needing to be taken care of fry, if you neglect them even for a day, all could be lost...