I'm setting up a salt water aquarium. I keep drifting in and out due to several factors, one of the main factors being school, another expenses. But I'm back, and I'm more determined than ever. I found out that what I thought was a 30 gallon is a 17.5 gallon. I've currently got a 70 gallon freshwater tank (that has been HEAVILY neglected, unfortunately). I am going to convert it to a salt water. As I said, it has been very neglected and therefore has a lot of crap built up under the gravel. Anyway, as soon as my dad gets his pond running I plan on donating the freshwater fish to him. I was just wondering what you guys suggest for the setup? I plan on using the 17.5 gallon as a quarantine/hospital tank, and I plan on stocking the tank very lightly. Any suggestions? Also, should I rinse the tank out with a hose or should I wait till I buy an RO kit and use that water to try and rinse it out?